Community News

Members display the new Grafton VIEW Club banner. Image: contributed

Grafton VIEW Club – New Year, New Banner!

Grafton VIEW Club’s first social outing for the year was held at The Rest Point Hotel, Copmanhurst.

This was the venue for the official unveiling of the new VIEW Club banner. It was a great catch up with a lovely meal. Later, some very pleased members left the venue with purchases of fresh farm eggs, pickles, jams & handicrafts.

To find out more about Grafton VIEW Club, all you need to do is Google “Grafton VIEW Club” on your computer. You will see this title appear, so click on it and up will come the web page with all the latest Grafton VIEW Club news.

Grafton VIEW was formed in 1967 and is a non-profit organisation. Club members are involved with the “Learning for Life Program,” which targets the education of disadvantaged students. This program provides students with financial, educational and personal support. Hence, these students will have all the support and tools needed to stay in school and break the cycle of disadvantage. So, if you truly believe that supporting a child’s education is the best way to break this cycle of disadvantage, all you need to do is come along, enjoy a meal in friendship and entertainment, which is usually an interesting and motivated guest speaker.

The daytime meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month, commencing at 10.30am at the Grafton District Services Club, Mary Street Grafton.

The next monthly meeting will the AGM, to be held on Tuesday February 27. All are welcome to come along and bring your friends to see what a difference VIEW can make. Please phone 6642 4719 no later than the Friday before the meeting, for catering purposes.

The mid-month social outing will be at the Brewhouse for morning tea, on February 21 at 10am.

See you there!

Jeanette Calvi