Community News

Grafton Branch UHA 

Tickets are on sale for our Mad Hatters Tea Party fundraising event to purchase equipment for the Grafton Hospital.

Tickets are limited, and only available until September 9 from our Clothing & Collectable Shop at 107 Pound Street, Grafton. Shop hours are Tuesday to Friday 9.30am – 3.30pm & Saturday 9.30am -12.30pm.

We have a fun day planned, so bring along your cup and saucer and wear a hat to be eligible for a great range of prizes. We also have a fashion parade of our clothes from the shop and a delicious morning tea provided by our members, as well as raffles and trading table, you will be amazed at our Mad Hatters themed decorations. All this for only $20 at the New School of Arts on September 17 commencing at 10.30am; entry through the front entrance in Skinner Street, South Grafton.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Julie Smith