Tickets are on sale for our Mad Hatters Tea Party fundraising event to purchase equipment for the Grafton Hospital.
Tickets are limited, and only available until September 9 from our Clothing & Collectable Shop at 107 Pound Street, Grafton. Shop hours are Tuesday to Friday 9.30am – 3.30pm & Saturday 9.30am -12.30pm.
We have a fun day planned, so bring along your cup and saucer and wear a hat to be eligible for a great range of prizes. We also have a fashion parade of our clothes from the shop and a delicious morning tea provided by our members, as well as raffles and trading table, you will be amazed at our Mad Hatters themed decorations. All this for only $20 at the New School of Arts on September 17 commencing at 10.30am; entry through the front entrance in Skinner Street, South Grafton.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Julie Smith