
Global warming oops


Re:   Ted Strong’s (CVI 11/10/23) letter.   According to Ted’s sources “the hottest September worldwide EVER recorded was 0.93degC above a mid-20th century September average”.  

(Interesting contradictory sentence.) No wonder I’m feeling old; Apparently, I was born BE (Before Ever).

Ted was quoting our BOM who has decreed that “Our base temperate is the average of the 30 years between 1961 and 1990 (a period when a new Ice Age was predicted), and all readings since 1990 have been compared to that average. Too bad about the hot 1890’s, 1920’s, 1930-40’s.

Arctic wildfires: I lived up in Alaska for 18 years and Arctic wildfires occurred almost every year.

And as for CO2 going up 100ppm (from all sources) in 200 years: That’s an atmospheric presence increase of 0.01% including an increase of 0.002% for anthropogenic CO2. Wow!

Global Warming Oops:

From a book I published in 2007 on Climate Change from a sceptic’s point of view:

1:  Al Gore preached that “the sea levels, would rise by 12m very soon”: So far zero.

2:  Robyn Williams, host of the ABC’s Childrens Science Show, stated that “The sea level was going to rise 100m this century! Is scaremongering kids acceptable?

3:  Tim Flannery, in The Bulletin: “We have only a decade or so to avert a rise in the oceans of 25m. Picture an eight-story building by the beach and then imagine waves washing over its roof.

That’s what a 25m rise looks like.”  He also told us: “It was never going to snow again, and any rain would evaporate before reaching the sizzling ground.”

But our “clever ?? Aussies” were so taken in by this baloney, they made Flannery the 2007 Australian of the Year.

Initially the IPCC estimated the temperature would rise 10C by 2100. As 10C was unlikely to happen, they reduced it to 1.5C, but retained the same disastrous effects.

They said this 1.5C was all due to Anthropogenic (man-made) CO2 emissions and needed to be stopped to save the world from an unimaginable catastrophe. 

Our “clever ?? Aussies” took it to heart, with actions which have had a catastrophic effect on our way of life.

But now the IPCC have breathlessly announced that we have already reached the 1.5C disaster level. This was a rather a shoot-yourself-in-the-foot announcement. Why so?

It is because none of their calamitous predictions have eventuated, which means the 1.5C increase was just scaremongering.

The world is still a great place to live even at +1.5C so we don’t need to implement disastrous changes.

Have we been taken for a ride? Afraid so.

It’s time to get back to the true and tried. 

Let’s start with demanding that our governments immediately drop Net Zero and the green power shemozzle, and work on providing an economical, environmentally sound, reliable, power system with enough generation for everybody and every business 24/365, just like we used to have. To achieve this power generation will need to be based on coal and gas and hopefully nuclear, just like the rest of the world is doing.

Out with the onshore/offshore wind generators, most pumped storage, commercial solar farms, and big batteries. 

Keep producing Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles and use hydrogen (H2) produced by the Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) process for electric powered cars.

If this was done, producing energy would not be an expensive/unreliable process, our vehicles wouldn’t blow up, and we could get back to making OZ the great country it was, not long ago. Over to you Ted.

John Ibbotson, Lawrence