From the Newsroom

After the Ulmarra to Southgate ferry service was decommissioned by Transport for NSW last month, Clarence Valley Councillors have unanimously supported a move to lobby the State Government for compensatory funds. Image: Emma Pritchard

Ferry unanimous decision by council

Emma Pritchard

A report by Clarence Valley Council (CVC) General Manager Laura Black to lobby the State Government for compensatory funds to be spent on local infrastructure following the decommissioning of the Ulmarra to Southgate ferry service by Transport for NSW last month received unanimous support from Clarence Valley Councillors during the CVC ordinary meeting on June 25.

In her proposal to contact Member for Clarence Richie Williamson and the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison to seek their support, Ms Black revealed council are requesting $8.8 million in lieu of continuation of the Ulmarra to Southgate ferry service with the funding to go towards upgrading a 5km section along Lawrence Road between Grafton and Great Marlow, the completion of the upgrade of the northern end of parkland at Bailey Park and the upgrade of the RV campground at Small Park, both in Ulmarra, and the completion of the Clarence Street to the Grafton Bridge section of the Grafton Waterfront Precinct.

The General Manager’s report also requested that Transport for NSW prioritise its commitment to designing and delivering pedestrian access across the Big River Way in Ulmarra, and for funds to be available for the upgrade of the Pound Street and Villiers Street intersection to a signalised intersection to withstand increased vehicular movements as a result of the cessation of the Ulmarra to Southgate ferry service.
During the ordinary meeting last week, Ms Black clarified a construction estimate of $7.3 million which has been provided for the upgrade of a 5km section along Lawrence Road, leaving a funding shortfall of $5.1 million.

Without funding, this project will be delivered in stages once funding becomes available.
Councillor Steve Pickering revealed while it was very unfortunate council were looking at requesting funding to be reallocated within the region, with the only reason behind the motion being put forward was the decision by Transport for NSW to decommission the Ulmarra to Southgate ferry service on June 10, he said “there is obviously going to be a huge cost saving to Transport for NSW and the State Government, and it would be really nice if some of that money could be reinvested back into our valley, on roads and infrastructure which is more heavily used than the Ulmarra to Southgate ferry may have been.”

Councillor Pickering added it was nice to see the recommendation requesting money for an upgrade of a 5km section along Lawrence Road since it will be severely affected following the closure of the ferry, with commuters being forced to travel an additional 78km each time they need to cross the journey between the riverside communities.