
Don’t come to Yamba


Went down to Grafton the other day and to my surprise Prince Street has lurched into the 21st Century… well half of it.

Nose to kerb car parking, the shop workers and customers must say Thank You, Thank You; no more exhaust fumes belching into the shops. Nothing worse than their motors running as they sit in their cars with the air conditioning running to escape the heat outside.

As for the excuse of can’t get stroller etc out of the boot, there’s more a chance of tripping over the kerb and causing broken limbs.

Later the same day I went down Prince Street again and nearly got clobbered by a driver taking three attempts to park rear to kerb.

So, a note to drivers reluctant to nose to kerb parking; don’t come to Yamba its been this way for years with narrower streets.

Peter Bradbury, Yamba