Yamba Evening VIEW club are pleased to announce their new committee for 2024 after their AGM on Monday 12 February 2024.
VIEW, which stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women, is a network of almost 300 clubs and over 14,000 women throughout Australia. It provides a place for women to connect in the community, enjoy social activities, and develop lasting friendships – all while supporting the work of children’s education charity, The Smith Family.
Yamba Evening VIEW is a thriving club with over 60 members who contribute to the sponsorship of 10 students in the Learning for Life program run by The Smith Family. This program provides students with financial, educational and personal support.
Now is the perfect time for local women, of all ages, to join VIEW (or renew their membership) as planning begins for events in 2024. Our events and activities are how we raise funds to support the education of children and young people experiencing disadvantage through The Smith Family.
Anyone interested in becoming a member or wishing to attend a dinner meeting as a guest, can send a message to: yambaeveningview@gmail.com for further information.
The next Yamba Evening VIEW Club meeting will take place at 6pm on Monday March 11 at the Yamba Bowlo Sports & Leisure Club. Our guest speaker will be Elizabeth Birch, the new National President of VIEW Australia, and a long-standing member of Yamba Evening View.
“We are always looking for women of all backgrounds and ages to join us and look forward to welcoming new faces at our next monthly meeting,” said Yamba Evening View President, Ann Scott.
About VIEW Clubs of Australia
VIEW is a national women’s organisation with over 14,000 members in close to 300 communities exclusively supporting children’s education charity The Smith Family. Members sponsor students, volunteer, fundraise and advocate to improve the life outcomes of Australian children and young people experiencing disadvantage. Visit view.org.au
About The Smith Family
The Smith Family is a children’s education charity that helps young Australians experiencing disadvantage to create better futures for themselves through harnessing the power of education.
Visit thesmithfamily.com.au