It has been a busy time with new groups starting and events like the Car Boot Sale, but there is more to come starting with the afternoon tea on Friday (June 21) at 2pm in the Uniting Church Hall Angourie Road.
The cost is $10; book with Gail on 0438 698 004 or Oliver on 0425 757 418 and come along for tea or coffee with sandwiches and cake with entertainment by Peter Capp, who is well known for his songs, poems and tales.
‘Talking Travel’ will commence July 8 providing an opportunity the discuss travel experiences, swap tips and get insight into your upcoming destinations. For registration contact Anne on 6646 2644 or 0408 738 116 or or the CRU3A There are still places in this group.
Later in July the ‘Pottery’ group is expected to begin. For details contact Anne on 6646 2644 or 0408 738 116 or or the CRU3A
The weather has been just beautiful and is perfect for taking a Thursday morning walk with ‘Yamba Walks’ enjoying our beautiful scenery as well as hearing snippets about the history of the area. The walk starts at 8:30am from Yamba ferry wharf for no fee. There are still places, again contact Anne Dinham on 6646 2644 or 0408 738 116,
Places are also still available in the discussion group ‘Thursday Talkers’, meeting 2-4pm in Yamba, at the Wooli Street hall. There are still places, again contact Anne Dinham on 6646 2644 or 0408 738 116,
‘Rummykub’ is a game using tiles with numbers but you don’t have to be a mathematician or good at sums, it is about tactics and strategy and it played with 2, 3 or 4 players. It is good stimulation for the brain and eyes. If you think you would like to have a go contact Heather on 6645 8655. There is a limited opportunity for new players at Treelands Drive, Community Centre, Wednesday mornings, 9am till 12.30.
On Tuesday ‘Croquet’, welcomed new players Elaine and Warren. Winners were Dot/Venette, Margaret/Venette, Francis/Warren, Dot/Ros, Pat/Bob, Sue G/Jan H., David/Lucy, Robyn/Morna, Elaine /Ros, Dianne/ Rick, Jan Mc/Pat, Keith/Lucy, Ros/Andrew, Warren/Bob, Pauline/Margaret, Francis/Morna, Dick/Maureen, Keith David, Bob/Robyn, Elaine/Francis, Howard/Bob, Jean and Margaret. There were seventeen players on Friday and it was good to see Del back after a long break, winners were Joy/Oliver, Pat/Dianne, Del/Bob, Dianne/Richard, Gail/Oliver, Ros/Jean, Sandra/Hans, Dianne/Ros, Margaret/Francis, Dick/Howard, Bob/Sandra, Gail/Ros and Pat and Francis. No hoop to hoops or jump shots recorded this week. We’re looking forward to hosting Lawrence for a return match on Friday 21.
Eight campers and seven day visitors braved the cold and rain to come to the perfect camp setting on Kings Creek at Lawrence. Although there was some rain we all enjoyed ourselves around the camp fires, playing boule, kayaking, cooking banana bread which was very successfully cooked by Col and two failed attempts (according to Col) at camp oven scones by me.
The eight fur babies chased and fetched a ball and each other. Pam caught a prawn with the bare hands, John and Annie did their best to get the fire wood while Col deserted to play croquet and make alliances with the Lawrence croquet group; great time and company.
The CRUA ‘Let’s All Sing’ group scored an 88 from the adjudicator who suggested nominating for the competitive section next year. The songs, Cabaret and Pokarekareana were very well received by the audience. It was a fantastic experience for the group, who performed for the first time at an Eisteddfod. We are so encouraged that we may enter competitively next year. Thanks to our wonderful group leader Anne Gray and musical director Deb Thomson for coaching us and giving us such an opportunity to be part of a wonderful community occasion and to all our members who committed themselves to doing their best and doing it well.
Sadly, it was the last of Classic Film Appreciation as Bernard Hides resigned. His film knowledge was the source of inspiration for this group. He was farewelled with champagne and tears.
Pauline Keegan