Local News

Changes to Bulky Waste Collection Service

Councillors unanimously endorsed the recommended Waste Collection and Processing Contracts for the next ten years from the options presented to the August Council meeting.
As a result, from 1 July 2023, Council will switch to an annual on-call bulky waste collection service. Instead of a scheduled annual service, the key difference is that householders will be able to call and arrange an annual collection (within two weeks) that suits the householder.
A review of the current bulky waste collection service undertaken during the development of the Solid Waste Management Strategy 2020-27 identified a number of issues with the current scheduled bulky waste clean-up service, primarily visual amenity and health and safety risks. The current service also generates many complaints and takes significant staff time and resources over an extended period to manage.
The on-call service to be introduced will cost an average of $16.96 per household compared to $20.72 for the current scheduled service.