
Australia Day date


I refer to the letter from Roz Jones, on behalf of Lawrence Museum (CVI 24/1/24) in which she provides information regarding the original date for the Australia Day celebration – 30th July 1915.

This was a very interesting article, and something of which I – and I am sure many others – were unaware and it led to me question why another date – January 1st – wasn’t chosen.

That is the date – in 1901 – on which Australia actually became more than a geographical location; it was the day on which the six independent colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia agreed to unite and became the Commonwealth of Australia.

So surely this would be a more logical and appropriate reason to celebrate Australia Day. Wouldn’t it?

A side benefit is that there wouldn’t have to be an extra public holiday, as it is New Years Day!

Bruce Kennewell, Yamba