From the Newsroom

Rotary Youth Exchange student Lucilla (Luci) Servo (middle front row) from Turin, Italy, is excited to be staying in Grafton for the next 12 months and was formally welcomed to the Clarence Valley by members of the Grafton Rotary Club. Image: contributed

A long journey from Turin to Grafton

Emma Pritchard

Say ciao to Lucilla (Luci) Servo, a bubbly 16-year-old from the northern Italian city of Turin who will be calling the Clarence Valley home for the next 12 months.

The Rotary Youth Exchange student, who will be hosted by multiple local families during her stay, was formally welcomed to Grafton by members of the Grafton Rotary Club who held a meet and greet barbeque for her last week.

Speaking with the Clarence Valley Independent following her arrival, Luci revealed she has already familiarised herself with several Aussie slang words and phrases including “brekkie, barbie, and hit the sack” during her first visit Down Under, before adding she is looking forward to experiencing and embracing the quintessential Australian lifestyle.

“I’ve always wanted to come here,” she said.

“It has been my dream for a long time.

“It’s a very beautiful country, and I’m also really excited to learn how to speak English with an Australian accent.

“I think that would be a lot of fun.”

Luci said she felt inspired to become involved with the Rotary Youth Exchange Program after one of her friends travelled to Japan last year and encouraged her to give it some thought while sharing stories of his overseas adventures.

After visiting some of Yamba’s most pristine beaches and catching her first glimpses of iconic native animals including kangaroos and koalas, Luci said she is also looking forward to experiencing summer in Australia and a traditional Christmas barbie, adding she wasn’t prepared for the chilly winter conditions.

As she settles into Grafton, Luci said she learned about the famous jacaranda trees and the annual Grafton Jacaranda Festival after undertaking online research prior to leaving Italy, adding she is excited to see the purple blooms and be part of the festivities later this year. 

Luci is attending Grafton High School during her 12-month stay, and counts learning to play touch footy and participating in Grafton Rotary Club events as highlights of her visit so far.

During the warmer months, she is planning to visit several local beaches, see more kangaroos and koalas, and make as many lifelong memories as she can.

“Everyone I have met has been very welcoming, and very supportive,” she said.

“I’m going to have a lot of fun while I’m here.”