
Community News

Stocked full of everything you will ever need for your pet, the new Yamba Pet Domain. Image: Contributed

Pets Domain Yamba’s grand opening was a huge success.

There were lots of customers and lots of enthusiasm.

The local community has responded extremely well to our new store, with customers telling us they have been waiting for a pet store like this to come to town for a very long time.

Customers also said the store looks wonderful and that they cannot wait to bring their dogs in-store and use the DIY Dog Wash.

The store also has an AquaZone (specialised fish room) which make us extra unique.

The Yamba team members are proud of the store and the wonderful feedback they are getting on a daily basis.

It has made all of them so excited and happy to work here.

Pets Domain has a focus on bringing a full pet service to regional Australia.

Our Yamba store means being able to provide great food and products to the local community without them having to travel a great distance for it.