Shaking windows, foundations and noise greeted the residents of Yamba Road, Carrs Drive and surrounds shortly after Christmas, and continues during the school holidays. The noise of double loaded sand trucks, grating brakes, air, environmental and noise pollution, not to mention, the denigration of Yamba Road, safety issues and the constant distressing disturbance to the residents. Ratepayers, who are still reeling after the threatening fires, and the fact Yamba Road is the only entry and exit into Yamba town should there be more fire threats.
Since July 2018 (17 months) over 800,000++ double loaded sand trucks hurtled up and down Yamba Road, by the minute, six days a week from 7am to 6pm daily and on Saturday from 8am – 2pm. And there appears to be many more to come. Is this fair? We along Yamba Road do not know how many, because CVC initiated the plan without consultation with the involved residents on a whim of the council to gain more money for building homes, the infrastructure appears not to be able to accommodate (water, sewerage and roads), are they are putting the health and safety of the ratepayers, homes and Yamba Road at risk?
Letters written to the Clarence Valley Council as to the plight, elicit no responsibility of the CVC to these issues or adequate drainage along Yamba Road. Most of the replies in the last four years state the matter is in the hands of the developer, which leads us to believe Council abrogates any responsibility to care or concern for what they blithely sanctioned.
Before the construction of roundabouts along Yamba Road (four years under discussion) and to which CVC have spent thousands of ratepayers dollars surveying, we need another road into Yamba. This would alleviate the need for forthcoming expensive proposed roundabouts.
Pat Riordan, Yamba