Community News

MOW client Trevor Birkbeck with Sue Cadman. Image: Contributed.

Thanking our volunteers for providing health and wellbeing

The annual celebration, National Meals on Wheels Day, to be held on Wednesday August 25 acknowledges and celebrates the dedication and commitment of over 45,000 Meals on Wheels volunteers.

Meals on Wheels Iluka has been supporting the health and wellbeing of older and vulnerable people within the Iluka, Maclean and Yamba communities since 1979.

Meals on Wheels Australia President, Sharyn Broer says volunteers play an integral role within the iconic organisation and with more older Australians than ever needing the support of Meals on Wheels, new volunteers are always welcomed to ensure continual delivery of the service now and into the future.

Iluka Service Administrator, Lesley Reid says it’s not just the customers who benefit from Meals on Wheels.

“At Meals on Wheels Iluka we recognise the sense of pride and purpose volunteering at our service offers, as well as opportunities to make new friends while making a real and positive difference within the local community,” she explains.

“Our volunteers provide a variety of support services for the essential provision of meals and the wellbeing of our clients.”

Lesley says Meals on Wheels Iluka is truly indebted to its volunteers and wishes to thank them for their commitment and resilience particularly over the last 18 months. 

“Without their help, we would not be able to support the health, independence and connection of over 50 people within our community.”

Meals on Wheels services across Australia support the health and wellbeing of more than 200,000 older and vulnerable people within the community, across over 590 service locations every year, and have been doing so for more than 60 years.


For more information on National Meals on Wheels Day 2021 visit or call Meals on Wheels Iluka on 6646 6742 for information regarding menus or volunteering options.