
Old railway viaduct


I have in the past brought to Council’s attention the fact that a section of the old railway duct is sitting in the park near the bus interchange at South Grafton and is looking very weathered and deteriorating. This was put here to show future generations what the viaduct looked like in days gone bye.

When I mentioned it previously, I indicated that it should have a suitable heritage cover over it and was always weeded and had mulch scattered around it to make it a pleasing memory. Nothing happened which is obvious. I am firmly of the opinion that Council sometimes works under the thinking that if you let something of significance fall into disrepair then you can get rid of it. This was true with the cane barge etc at the tourist office precinct at Maclean. Buildings around the shire have suffered the same fate whereby when the owner lets them fall into a bad state it is easier for Council to allow them to be demolished and the site redeveloped by the owner.

Kevin Walter, Waterview Heights