Local News

Navy’s worst peacetime disaster

At 2056 (8.56pm) on the 10th of February 1964 HMA ships Melbourne and Voyager collided 20 Nautical Miles (37km) south-east of Jervis Bay NSW.

As a result of the collision 14 officers 67 sailors and 1 civilian dockyard worker ex RAN Mr Stan Parker, a total of 82 lives were lost – all from the HMAS Voyager.

The Clarence Valley Naval and Mariners Association will conduct a short memorial service to commemorate the event 60 years on at MacLachlan Park near SPAR Maclean at 1am on Saturday February 10.

I encourage all ex and servicing maritime personnel to attend.  There is comprehensive information available on-line including search for survivors by the British submarine HMS Tabard and other RAN ships and aircraft. The Royal Commissions, theories, conclusions and compensation outcomes.

Peter Pritchard