Community News

Maclean Lower Clarence UHA

We have just concluded our last fund raiser for 2022 which was an outstanding success.

Our Pop-Up Shop in River Street Maclean raised over $3,500 in five days.

There were many amazing bargains in clothing, shoes, homeware, craft items and general treasures. Many customers, particularly on Tuesday, were seen leaving with bags of purchases and big smiles. Lots of them turned up again on the following days, still searching for more things to take home.

All of this could not have been accomplished without the enormous efforts put in by Deb and Sue, the bright ideas girls. They worked tirelessly with the assistance of many other Auxiliary members to collect goods, set up the shop ready for the big start and assisted with sales each day. A big thanks to Deb and Sue and all the Auxiliary members for their time, enthusiasm and effort.

We would also like to acknowledge all the behind-the-scenes work done by Anne, our President, Marilyn our Secretary and Jim our Treasurer.

None of this fundraising would have been possible without the very generous donation of a shop to pop up in. Thank you so much to Travis McConnell and LJ Hooker for their wonderful donation of the old Credit Union shop for most of November, we really appreciate your generosity.

We are now looking forward to our Christmas luncheon at the Harwood Hotel on December 12 at 12 noon, with some delicious food and great company.

Our next meeting will be on Monday February 20 at 2pm at the Maclean Bowling Club.

May I wish all our members a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and profitable 2023.

Helen Hamilton