From the Newsroom

South Grafton High School student Tahlia O’Hara (R) worked hard during 2021 to prepare for and complete her HSC exams. She achieved an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) of 84.4 and is currently deciding on a degree to study when she commences university in Queensland later this year. Image: contributed

HSC exam results revealed

Emma Pritchard

On January 20, more than 76000 students logged in to view their Higher School Certificate (HSC) results, including Tahlia O’Hara.

Admitting she experienced several nerve-wracking moments prior to sitting for her first exam last year, the South Grafton High School student studied diligently during 2021 and was very happy when she saw her final marks.

Tahlia received band 5 for biology, band 3 for chemistry, band 4 for English (Advanced) and band 2, the highest band awarded for maths extension 1 and 2 respectively.

She also achieved an impressive ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) of 84.4.

“I wanted to get the highest marks I could, and I’m really happy overall with my results,” she said proudly.

Tahlia and her fellow students also embraced for a group photo before their exams, revealing it “calmed a lot of nerves.”

“Once we were in our seats, we were all kind of looking at each other and our worried faces, but we felt fine once we got going,” she said.

“I’m just really happy the HSC is over now.”

Tahlia will commence her university education in Queensland in the coming weeks revealed she is still deciding between studying a Bachelor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Nursing degree at either the Gold Coast or Brisbane.

As students celebrated and shared their results last week, Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said the class of 2021 should feel proud of what they have achieved, despite the challenges of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

“Everything our latest graduates have accomplished over the past two years will hold them in good stead for their next chapter, whether they are looking to go to university or start training or work,” she said.

“This year, despite the challenges, results across the performance bands remained consistent with previous years, including the number of students who achieved in the highest bands.

“To see students come out of the HSC with the results they worked so hard for is fantastic.”

1476 students were recognised on the All Round Achievers list for results in the highest possible band across 10 units of study, while 786 students were featured on the Top Achievers list for earning one of the top places and a result in the highest band.

17820 students received at least one band six to be recognised on the Distinguished Achievers list.

Ms Mitchell also acknowledged teaching staff and the school communities including exam staff, families and friends for their support of HSC students in 2021.

“In particular, thank you to our dedicated and resourceful teachers who kept HSC students learning, motivated and engaged throughout the lockdown period,” she said.

“Congratulations to the HSC Class of 2021 and all the best for your futures.”