Last week Grafton CWA Branch held a morning tea for Marion Martin who has recently celebrated her 100th birthday. Although she is unable to attend meetings any longer, she has been a member of Grafton CWA for many years. Congratulations Marion, a great achievement!
Several of our members attended the CWA North Coast Group AGM at Coffs Harbour last Wednesday. Also, now that the renovations to the CWA Rooms have been finished, some members have been cleaning the rooms, finding new storage for items that were previously in the renovated areas and putting away items that had to be stored away from the building work. It’s a big job, thank you to those involved.
Meetings of Grafton CWA are held on the 2nd Friday of each month in the CWA Rooms, cnr Duke and Pound Streets. Morning tea is at 9.30am, followed by the meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome. Handicraft mornings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, starting at 9.30am.
Anne McLellan