Rodney Stevens
The decision on whether to approve a development application (DA) for four multi-dwelling housing units and four pools on Harbour Street, Yamba, rests in the hands of Clarence Valley Councillors.
On July 11, 2022, Clarence Valley Council received a DA proposing demolition of the existing dwelling and shed at 4 Harbour Street, Yamba, and reconstruction of four (4) three storey units with swimming pools.
The developer CHP Developments also proposes to undertake a four lot strata subdivision of the units.
When the proposed development was put on public exhibition, four submissions were received by council.
The submissions from neighbours of the Harbour St site detailed concerns including loss of view, the removal of established trees, the development is ‘grossly oversized’ for the block, the removal of a Moreton Bay Fig, the floor space occupying too much of the block, shadowing of adjacent properties, noise generated from swimming pools and the rear access my exacerbate flooding.
The site is zoned R3, medium density residential, under the Clarence Valley Local Environment Plan 2011, necessitating the following key changes to the DA:
- Amendment to the Wooli Street driveway resulting in less filling and retention of the fig within the Harbour Street road reserve.
- An increase in the overall landscaped area for the development through changes within the front setback.
- Inclusion of skylights to units fronting Wooli Street to improve solar access to second level balcony.
- Provision of acoustic fencing to pool areas to minimise amenity impacts.
- Improved street tree planting in both the Harbour Street and Wooli Street road reserve.
According to Council’s May 23 meeting agenda, the proposed development is compliant with the DCP in terms of height, landscaped area and the specific Yamba Hill Controls however the applicant seeks variations to the setbacks, private open space and parking provisions.
“While the development will have some impact on the current built form of the streetscape, the Yamba Hill area is under transition from older style cottages to provide more unit type light weight coastal developments,” the agenda states.
“The proposal is not likely to have significant adverse impacts on adjoining properties in terms of overshadowing, loss of views or privacy and any potential adverse impacts can be minimised through privacy screening.
“The development is considered to be consistent with the existing built forms of Yamba Hill and on balance, the proposed variations are acceptable for the proposed development as it complements the streetscape and addresses the constraints of the site without resulting in unreasonable impacts to adjoining properties.”
At the May 23 meeting, councillors will vote on the officer’s recommendation that council:
- Support the proposed variations to Residential Zones Development Control Plan 2011; and
- Approve Development Application DA2022/0473 subject to the draft Advices and Conditions contained in Schedule 1.
The CV Independent will report on the outcome of the DA in the May 31 edition.