
Croquet at Yamba

Wednesday March 10

It was good to get on the Greens at Yamba after three weeks. There was even a light breeze to keep the mossies away.

I heard croquet was the winner, so no names are listed. Unfortunately, I am in Sydney.

Welcome back to David and Susan who have been flirting with State borders. Chris was welcomed to the fold, hopefully I will meet you on Wednesday.

The greens were perfect, which suited three Sheriffs – Beryl, David and Sue. The centre peg copped a hiding – a welcome increase in kitty.

A reminder that we are going back to morning play, go to the markets on Wednesday and then croquet at the Bowlo from 8am for an 8.30 start. Timed games went well on Wednesday.

Wednesday is St Patrick’s Day. Wear green and bring a limerick.


No Bias