
Yamba Triples Champions come from nowhere to take title

Sunday August 16

Yet another weekend of finals as we concluded the Club Triples with the semi-final on Saturday and the final on Sunday. Saturday’s games were between Ros Moore, Margaret Durante and Judy Button defeated by Judy Abbott, Joan Scadden, Cathryn Aitchison. Pam Conley, Val Terry, and Gloria Davis also lost their place in the final to Carol Ritale, Helen Atkinson, and Chris Cole.  

Sunday morning saw good conditions for bowls and was a feast for the spectators. Team Cathryn got off to a strong lead taking the score to 18 – 1 after 11 ends. But with a tremendous fightback Chris and team rallied to take the score to 19 all going into the last end for a nail-biting finish. Chris was able to maintain her composure and scored two shots with her last bowls to take the Club Triples 2020 title alongside her partners Carol Ritale and Helen Atkinson (a hat trick for Helen) with this being her third Championship title in as many months). Congratulations to Carol, Helen, and Chris and to all contenders for their part in the competition.

Next up -Major/Minor Pairs on Sunday August 30.

Tuesday August 18

Another round of Queen of the Green today saw Queen Wendy toppled from her throne after maintaining here Royal position for the last two rounds. The victor today was Chris Cole – fresh from her wins in the Club Pairs and Triples. The score-line was 25-12 and marker was Julie Coulter. Chris and marker Julie took home the runners-up prize for the day.

And in social bowls 20 bowlers took to the greens with the winners being the triples game of P. Conley, V. Beddow, L. Asbury d A. Waters, J. Pearson, K. Mason. Consolation went to R. Marchant (v), S. Lindsay, J. Pryor d in a very tight game by H. Atkinson, J. Boyd, M. Durante.

Two rinks of pairs made up the rest of the field with M. Abbott, R. Dickson d J. Campbell, M. Stone and G. Davis, J. Button overcame L. Duncan, C. Ritale.

Thursday August 20

It was a day of “hang on to your hats” as the howling westerly played havoc with bowls all over the green. But Marie Stone’s team of S. Lindsay, J. Doherty managed to handle it and took the winner’s prize by defeating J. Stamp, M. Durante, G. Davis.  Runners-up was a close one with M. Sakac, J. Boyd, J. Button d M. Wall, R. Moore, H. Atkinson by one shot. Consolation went to J. Pearson, J. Pryor, J. Coulter d. by R. Marchment (v), M. Abbott, C. Ritale. And G. Freeman, J. Jeans (v), K. Mason d P. Conley, V. Beddow, R. Fletcher.

A popular choice for Bowler of the Month for July was Julie Coulter. Julie has shown some form of late and we are yet to see a lot more of this up and coming bowler. And not forgetting her commitment to the Club in her role as Vice-President – always ready to give a helping hand.

Congratulations Julie. And many thanks to The Bait Shop Yamba for their sponsorship of Bowler of the Month.

On Shot

Triples winners Carol, Chris and Helen. Image: contributed.