
Disappointed in Mayors comments


I write to put forward some facts that are missing from the article “VIC sale-details-Tiley responds” in the 10 March edition.

The details of the sale will be disclosed in time but for now, they must remain confidential. 

I am disappointed the mayor’s comments in the article, unfairly paints a picture that the General Manager (Acting) Laura Black has misled and acted in a manner that is inappropriate.

That is not true. The mayor is entitled to his strong views, but those views do not reconcile with the lawful resolutions that the AGM is acting upon. Putting it simply she is doing her job.

There are council resolutions involved here that trump the mayor’s feelings and opinions. Those resolutions do not expire because a new council is elected.

There is a process under the Local Government Act 1993 that needs to be followed if a councillor wants to change a council resolution, not one councillor including the mayor or Cr Day has acted since their election to commence the process to change past decisions.

The General Manager Mr Lindsay, accepted the offer last November before he went on leave and the Acting General Manager Laura Black, is now continuing the implementation of that decision. There is nothing in the Local Government Act that allows her to do anything different. It is important to note she has now informed all councillors; she has never been asked to do anything different.

On the 17th of February, all nine councillors were provided with the report from June 2019 including the confidential attachment which sets out the delegation to the GM for a sale.

Regarding the latest resolution mentioned in the article Item 07.22.04 Point 2. That Councillors be provided in confidence, with full details of the contract sale.

The AGM advised the mayor and councillors, she is waiting on advice through a third party who is seeking permission from the purchaser to reveal the details prior to settlement.

I hope this information corrects the impression of wrongdoing by Laura Black General Manager (Acting) when reading last week’s article.

Cr Karen Toms, Yamba