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your library – your place – Grafton, Maclean, Yamba, Iluka and Mobile Libraries
HSC Study nights
Students attending the recent HSC study night at Grafton library had one overwhelming piece of feedback – we need more! They all asked for more of these events in the lead up to their HSC exams and in response there will be another study night at Grafton Library on Tuesday 6th October from 5:30pm-8pm and two at Maclean Library on Wednesday 23rd September and Wednesday 7th October, 5pm-8pm. The first event saw 22 HSC students making use of the Grafton library collection, Wi-Fi and free printing and photocopying which helped with their study away from the distractions at home. They also welcomed the free pizza and other nibbles that were on offer to help keep energy levels up.
The response to the initial event showed that students in the Valley appreciate having the library to themselves for dedicated study in this high pressure time leading up to exams. We already maintain a collection of HSC Study Guides and related resources in all libraries and these evenings give students exclusive access to the library as well as a unique and supportive study environment.
Food and refreshments will again be available for the Grafton and Maclean events and students can come with a group of friends or individually. No bookings are required and students are free to arrive and leave when they like.
For more information please call the Grafton Library on 6641 0100 or Maclean Library on 6645 3611.
Yamba Bookclub
Yamba Bookclub are welcoming you to join the club! The Bookclub meet in the Yamba Library the second Friday of each month at 1:30pm. We provide the books and a comfortable space for informal discussion about the book. If you would like to more, please contact Yamba Library on 6646 2811.
Angela Clarke – currently reading ‘The Speed of trust: the one thing that changes everything’ by Stephen M.R. Covey
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