Community News
Year 5 and 6 fundraising stall at last Saturdays Maclean Markets
On Saturday, September 10 Year 5 and 6 from Saint Joseph’s Maclean were very active at Maclean Markets to raise money towards their upcoming excursion to “Singing in the Rain” at QPAC in Brisbane early next term.
Students had been very busy for some time at lunch and recess creating beautiful mosaics to be sold at their stall. Students also had a raffle which was very popular and drawn at the end of the market. Congratulations to the three winners and thank you to all those who supported our raffle by buying tickets. An extra special thanks to Molly and Jacqueline Tierney for organising the raffle and selling an amazing amount of tickets. Thank you also to Ferry Park and Spar for providing such wonderful vouchers for the prizes also to Botero for your donation towards our fundraising.
We are very proud of our students and their commitment to working towards a goal and representing themselves so beautifully in the community.