Community News

Yamba Seniors

On Wednesday June 28 Yamba Seniors celebrated their 33rd birthday luncheon at the Yamba Bowling Club and their CEO, Phil Boughton; president Ian Lauder; members of the Lion Club; our president Shirley Drum, along with two long time members Noel and Colleen Charles and our travel/ publicity coordinator Janette Baillie cut the birthday cake.

Although we all enjoyed a delicious lunch it was a sad occasion in that at our monthly meeting prior to the lunch it was unanimously agreed that due to poor membership and no one wishing to take over the role of president, secretary or treasurer, Yamba Seniors would no longer be able to function.

All members would like to take this opportunity to thank our president Shirley for her dedication and the time over the many years she was our president. Also a very big thank you to Janette our travel/ publicity coordinator for arranging the many trips we enjoyed over the years. As Janette has sold her house in Yamba and will be moving down south near family, we wish her best wishes for the future. 

Annette Callaghan

At the last meeting it was agree to meet on the last Friday of the month for lunch at 12pm. Seniors will have a Christmas luncheon on the last Wednesday of November (the 27th) at the Yamba Bowling Club.

Members please take note that the July 17 trip has been cancelled.

The bowling club and Lions club will still do Seniors Day during NSW Seniors week next year. I would like to take this time to say thank you to the following: the two local papers and staff for putting in my notices, the Yamba Bowling Club for all their help; the staff in the the kitchen for the nice meals; the bowls ladies for all they have done over the years, the Lion Club for all they have done; Shirley Drum and members. I will miss you all but it will be good to see more of my family.  Thank you one and all.

Janette Baillie