Yamba Lions Club held a presentation to Zeke from Westpac Rescue Helicopter at Bowlo Sports & Leisure Yamba on July 15, with the proceeds of the movie fundraiser of ‘Elvis’ held recently at Yamba Cinema by the Lions Club.
The amount raised was $3,211 and the Club increased the amount to $5,000.
A few people to thank. Debbie from Yamba Cinema for all her help and her staff, my son Graeme McGrath from McGrath Locks in Brisbane. Graeme sponsored the day with his donations of a digital door lock for main door and one for security door together with a security camera and digital doorbell. He also brought his 1942 Dodge Coupe V8 which was used in the Movie from Brisbane for a “Joy Ride around Yamba” for someone to win.
To all those who attended making the day such a success and the Lions Club members for their catering and help on the day. It was such a wonderful event.
Joy Lauder