Yamba Ladies Golf
There were 68 players in the annual Captain-v-President event last Wednesday when the Captain’s team was triumphant.
Winning A Grade in the single Stableford played in conjunction was Robyn Brockwell with an impressive 46 points from Lina Holden 35. B Grade winner was Glen Czarnota 41 from Wendy O’Brien 39 and C Grade was won by Anne Schuhmacher 40 with Annie Green r/up 38.
Pin winners were Tina Earp – Yamba Medical Centre 3; Pam Atherton – Yamba Florist 3/2; Darrie Nightingale Yamba Pro Shop 9; Jeannie Doolan – Yamba Fair Butchery 10; Suzanne Scott – The Shoe Boutique 12; Carolyn Chester Clovelly Fashions 17 and Wendy O’Brien – The Block – 17/2.
Balls ran to 32 and winners of the card draws were Sandra Wallace – flowers from Yamba Florist Debbie May; Julie Vernol – Civic Video; Suzanne Scott – Sole Connection; Lyn Saggars – The Friendly Grocer; Margery Allison – Priceline Pharmacy and the raffle which was donated by captain Margaret Solomon and President Linda Duke-Yonge was won by Robyn Brockwell.
Winning the 100 club was Anne Schuhmacher whilst Lyn Saggars won 2nd prize.
Friday saw 46 ladies contest the Single Par with Jeannie Doolan winning A Grade +4 from Darrie Nightingale +3. Phyllis Telfer won B Grade +1 from Wendy Turner, square.
NTPs were won by Virginia Moore – Tom’s Seafood Chinese Restaurant 3, Tricia Gosling – Retireinvest 3/2, Robyn Causley – Peter Campbell Physiotherapy 9, Helen Collins on both Kitchen to Table 10 and Yamba’s Fisho 12, Jenny Macqueen – Wato’s Fish & Burgers 17 and Maggie Julian – Yamba Pharmacy 17/2.
Ball run-down to -2c/b.
From only 4 players on Saturday the 18 hole Stableford was won by Kathy Parker 33c/b.