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Yamba Ladies Bowlers – a morning tea in appreciation
A thank you morning tea for committee members who did not seek re-election this year saw a marvellous turn-out of 58 members on Tuesday, July 26 at Yamba Women’s Bowls. A successful new initiative, the guests of honour were retiring Vice Presidents, Judy Sinclair and Monica Conlan; Treasurer Cathryn Aitchison; and Social Committee Organiser, Judy Pryor.
On the same day the quarter finals of the Championship Triples produced yet another wonderful game requiring an extra end.
The game between Kerry Pedder’s and Marjorie Thompson’s teams finished all square after 18 ends. It had been a game of two halves, with Marj, Helen Scott (lead) and Robyn McPherson (second) gaining the upper hand at first and seeming as if they would surge to victory. But then Cathryn Aitchison, Judy Abbott and Kerry found form and actually snatched the lead by 1 shot on the 16th. However, their opponents held their nerve, and through precision bowling picked up a 2 to lead by just 1 going into the 18th.
Catherine and Judy applied good pressure for Kerry, and when the skips went to the mat, Judy held the equaliser. But with her first bowl, Marj played a magnificent shot to replace Judy’s bowl and hold game. Kerry tried but failed with her first two bowls to dislodge it, and Marj calmly played positional bowls. Facing elimination, Kerry played a wonderful on shot with her final bowl, picked up the jack, and then won a close measure to tie it all up.
Cathryn put down very close lead bowls on the extra end, and despite Robyn and Marj both moving her bowls slightly, they could not remove them. Marj played a lovely draw with her last bowl but finished just wide to see Kerry’s team win by just 1 shot. Congratulations to all players on a wonderful game.
The winners will meet the combo of Val Terry/Dot Gleeson/Monica Conlan in their semi-final on Thursday 4th August, with Monica’s team having played their quarter final previously.
The other semi will see a match-up between Chris Cole’s and Wendy Ballantyne’s teams.
Chris, with Joan Scadden (lead) and Denise Burey (second) were in control throughout and scored a good win over Maria Sakac/Ruth Fletcher/Judy Sinclair. Likewise, in their quarterfinal, Wynne Bell/Kaye Mason/Wendy Ballantyne had a comfortable victory over Flo Stephens (sub for Jan Dunning)/Marie Stone/Lyn Olsson.
Both these semis should produce close games between four evenly-matched teams.
Also on 27th, social bowls comprised six rinks of triples and it was Margaret Wall, Jane Pearson and visitor Bev Paddon who nabbed the lucky rink winners Bowlo Bucks. Runners up bucks went to Sandra Dorman, another (regular) visitor, Fay Monk, and Helen Atkinson, while their opponents Glynis Hall, Gwen Hoskin and Lorraine Asbury took home the consolation prize.
Helen Atkinson was in luck again on Thursday 28th when she skipped Cheryl Deveney and Pam Conley to win and was drawn for the Bowlo Bucks. Jan Stamp and another visitor but almost local, Judy Donnelly teamed up to win the runners up money, and drawn for the Consolation was Raels McKibbin, Gwen Hoskin and Judy Sinclair.
It is wonderful to see so many visiting bowlers attending social bowls, entering our tournaments and even helping out by working for our club when needed.
Congratulations to the YBC Men’s Pennant team on making the semi final of the State playoffs last weekend, what a tremendous effort to finish equal third in the state. And well done to the organisers and workers who made such a success of the staging of this prestigious event here in Yamba and Maclean. Among them, many of our ladies worked hard all weekend, and supported the men’s team with great enthusiasm. Well done all.
Wendy Ballantyne