Our first meeting for 2019 was a good one. Elizabeth Burch (Zone Councilor) inducted the new committee; she presented the badges of office to continuing members and welcomed Pauline Horkings as secretary, and Genie Drummond as attendance officer.
Kerry Hulm stepped down from her position of assistant treasurer having been treasurer for more than 12 years. President Karen Toms presented her with a bouquet of flowers in appreciation of her dedication and expertise, well done Kerry.
Marlene Woodbridge has just changed hats. Now assistant treasurer after three outstanding years as secretary, we really must say thank you for all you have done to keep our club running smoothly.
Who doesn’t love pearls… especially Paspaley Pearls?
This is an evening that is not to be missed.
Our guest speakers for March are David and Karen Mills, talking about one of the most beautiful gems created by nature, and grown in the pristine waters of Australia.
Our March 4 meeting is to be held at our usual venue, Yamba Shores Tavern, 6pm for a 7pm start. Please contact Pauline on 0418 566 168 or email pjc2464@yahoo.com,with your acceptance or apology no later than Wednesday 27. You are welcome to bring along a guest, just book them in by contacting Pauline.
Don’t forget to get your ticket for International Women’s Day, held at Yamba Bowling Club on Friday March 8, just call into the club to purchase.
This is a wonderful day out; it is VIEW Clubs combined fundraiser to help support our students to gain an education through the Smith Family Learning for Life Program.
So come along and enjoy a day of friendship, have a delicious morning tea, guest speakers, raffles, entertainment, lunch, and leave knowing that you have contributed to someone less fortunate.
Remember: Leave a little sparkle wherever you go!
Jan McKay