Community News
Yamba Evening VIEW
At our midyear dinner on June 6, President Karen welcomed 23 members and one guest speaker for the evening, Carrie Fairweather. Carrie is a lecturer at the Southern Cross University, working in clinical education and leadership in nursing.
Congratulations were extended to our ladies, Yvonne Willis, who received her 20 year membership badge, Pat Waghorn her 10 year and our very new member, Marilyn Miller.
We continue to grow our membership and we would especially like to welcome back those ladies who have rejoined. Special thoughts are with Jan Ainslie and Penny Cope who have recently been in hospital, best wishes for a speedy recovery. Assistant Secretary Jill introduced Carrie. I have to say that should she wish to change her career path she could be an entertainer. Carrie worked the room and had us all hanging on her every word. We are pleased to know that just because we forget things occasionally, it’s very normal and just the aging process.
There has to be a whole lot more going on before you call it dementia. She told us, more social interaction and being outgoing can help with the memory loss.
A big thank you to Carrie we enjoyed the evening very much.
Our VIEW ladies enjoyed an outing to Silk and Sand Angourie, for morning tea on June 12.
We all enjoyed coffee and Lynn’s delicious cakes seated at a French provincial table, amongst the home wears. Temptation abounded as we shopped between the clothing and home wear section, it was a very pleasant morning.
Christmas in July will be the theme of our next dinner on July 4, so ladies drag out your Christmas bling, come along and enjoy the spirit of the evening. Should you need to advise email or phone Marlene on 6645 8721 by Friday the 1st. Guest speaker for the evening will be National Councillor, Cecilia Bayliss.
Margaret Maher