The Spring Fashion Parade is on Saturday September 28from 1pm. Treelands Drive Community Centre is again our chosen venue; admission is $15.
Our famous ‘high tea’ had everyone talking and the members are again planning their delicacies for the day. Many thanks to our feature fashion houses, Clovelly’s and Zig Zag for their time and effort to help us fundraise to assist disadvantaged Australian children through the Smith Family ‘Learning For life Programme’.
Yamba Day VIEW invites ladies to come along and experience friendship and caring for one another, with social outings, fun, learning from guest speakers, and being involved in giving children a better chance to have a brighter future.
Several members participated in ‘Walk with VIEW’ in Yamba to raise the awareness of VIEW Clubs in the valley, and the excellent work being carried out by all members. The facts speak for themselves with 19 children being sponsored with money being forwarded by one club to assist other aspects of the programme.
Our next luncheon meeting will be September 16at 10am for a 10.30am start.
Our guest speaker will be senior constable Liz Smith, who will speak on women’s safety. Please phone Lyn, on 6646 3164 for bookings or apologies. Visitors are most welcome to sit in or just come along and see what we are all about at the Yamba Bowlo Riverboat Room.
The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention, your love and your concern….very appropriate.
Lyn Hinrichsen