Tuesday July 9 AM Mitchell: Winners N/S – Annie Green/Phyllis Telfer; 2nd Peter McGruer/John Sheean; 3rd Julie Burley/Jill Causley.
E/W – 1st Frank Campbell/Heather Grant; 2nd Sheila Monie/Helen Ditchfield; 3rd Sonya McLennan/Barbara Mahoney- Smith.
Tuesday PM Howell winners: 1st Sylvia Cryer/Ros Stevens; 2nd Frank Campbell/Heather Grant; 3rd Jill Causley/Julie Burley.
Thursday July 11 Mitchell: Winners N/S – Frank Campbell/Heather Grant; 2nd Julie Burley/ Causley; 3rd – Phyllis and John Telfer.
E/W – 1st Thelma Weston/Helen Ditchfield; 2nd Judy Turnbull/Jill Causley; 3rd Laurie and Maureen Elliott (visitors).
Club Bridge played at the Yamba Catholic Hall on Tuesdays 9.15 for 9.30am start – afternoon session 12.45pm for a 1pm start and Thursdays 12.45pm for 1pm start. For a partner or more information please phone Peter McGruer 0407 894 816 or John Sheean 6646 9392.
Social Bridge is held at the Yamba Bowls Club Mondays 1.45pm for 2pm start – till 4pm; no partner is needed on Mondays. Visitors most welcome on all days.
Phyllis Telfer