
Westlawn golf

We had a visitor at Westlawn on Sunday in the form of a reporter from the Clarence Valley Independent newspaper who wished to interview some of our members young and old about the effect that the closure of the course in December would have on them. From what I have been told she did a very good job and it will be interesting to read the article when it goes to print.

Our members took to the fairways on Sunday for an American Foursome event and low scores were the order of the day. The best score on the day was a fine 31 ¾ nett from the team of Robert and Paul Eichmann closely followed by Ron Jenkin and Gary Reynolds with 32 ¾ nett and Graham Jackson and dally Clark with 33 ½ nett. There were another two teams, John Ellis and Peter Johnson and Jason Casserly and Mark Newman on 33 ¾ nett, nice golf guys.

The only Waterboy memberships I know of from Sunday were Charles Doggett on the 1st, Dally Clark on the 2nd and myself on the 9th with my 2nd shot. I am sure someone will come forward next week with another nomination or two.

Next Sunday is a Stroke event for the Wal Hambly and Peter Chessell sponsored monthly medal. Starters will be N Reeves and G McInerney with the results to be handled by D Tasker.

Sunday September 8 is a Single Stableford event in conjunction with the 2nd Round of the Ellem family Trophy. Starters will be K Ellem and A Atkinson with R Jenkin to handle the results. Dave Lynch