West Papua is still suffering
I was disappointed that not more people in the Clarence Valley were interested to find out more about the genocide that has been continuing just off our shore for over 50 years (at the screening of ‘Road to Home’ at the Yamba Cinema last Friday).
Becoming aware of an issue involving Indonesia does not mean you have to find a different holiday destination. By spreading awareness we could help end the daily killing, torture and displacement of these beautiful tribal people.
Rex Rumakeik, who travelled a long way to speak at the Q&A, was a leader of the guerrillas against the Indonesian occupation in the 1970s and a founder of the original liberation movement. He is a humble 70-year-old man now, who, against his doctor’s advice, travels around the world advocating for the freedom of his people.
Rex orginates from Biak Island where in 1998 Indonesian military and police coordinated a horrifying massacre. Victims were shot or raped, mutilated and their bodies dumped into the sea.
This should have been enough for the UN to act on, as they did in east Timor after the massacre in Dili.
West Papua is still suffering under this brutal regime.
Emma Capp, Yamba