Waste of sand
Housing construction in Yamba has been very slow in the last 10 years, this was due mainly to the lack of building blocks avaible.
This situation has now changed with the extension to the Links estate and the large subdivision at Carrs Drive.
The Carrs Drive estate has provision for over 100 building blocks which will be raised above flood level by filling the whole site with over a metre of fill. This fill has to be delivered by hundreds of truck loads from outside Yamba. I could go on about the problems this causes with traffic, road damage, noise etc.
However this is not the purpose of the letter. While we are waiting for the trucks to arrive, it is all happening in the middle of the river.
A large sand dredge along with a delivery barge is taking sand from around Dart Island and dropping it outside the bar on Iluka side.
What a Waste! Why can’t this sand be used to fill the lower level of the Carrs Drive site?
The sand could be sold to the developer and the government could recoup some of the dredging expense.
Come on people get your heads together and do something that makes sense for a change.
I Faulkner, Yamba