Community News

Violence-alert workshop at Yamba

General DV-alert workshops are for health, allied health and community frontline workers in Australia.

One of the priorities of the National Plan to reduce Violence Against Women and their Children is to ensure that services meet the needs of women and children experiencing violence. DV-alert aims to build the knowledge and capacity of community frontline workers to provide appropriate support to women and children in Australia.

To be eligible to attend, participants must work or volunteer in the health, allied health, community, higher education, childcare frontline capacity supporting the general community

DV-alert builds the knowledge and capacity of community workers to provide appropriate support to women and children in Australia through a 2-day workshop and will gain a unit of competency – CHCDFV001: Recognise and Respond Appropriately to Domestic and Family Violence.

Next DV-alert workshop in this region: 18-19 November 2019, 9am – 5pm Angourie Resort, 166 Angourie Road Yamba.

Direct link:

Enquiries: Lifeline North Coast 02 6651 4093