Community News

Vintage caravan display to highlight at Grafton’s Shannon’s Motorfest

One of the feature exhibits in the forthcoming Shannon’s Motorfest, being conducted by the Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club will be a display of vintage caravans, with over 25 to 30 vans and their owners expected to attend. The Motorfest, scheduled to run over September 16-17 this year will be held at the Clubs Jabour Park complex, Minden Street, South Grafton. Camping and caravanning is currently one of the more popular recreational pastimes in Australian, and owners enjoy nothing more than touring around this great country. The display will not doubt attract a lot of attention from both vintage and modern caravan enthusiasts. Many thousands of dollars have been outlaid in the restoration and presentation of these vans, with their owners excited with the opportunity to display their pride and joy at the Motorfest. A great number of these vans are not only restored and preserved by their owners for displays but are actually used and can be found at various caravan parks across the nation. Caravanning has been part of Australian history for many years’, the presence of the vintage vans at the Motorfest will give those interested in their history an opportunity to admire and appreciate the effort that goes into their restoration. Local vintage van enthusiasts, Robyn & Peter Nixon, have been in contact with many vintage van groups state-wide and are responsible for the large number of participant’s and the anticipated success of the display. Robyn & Peter will also have their van, together with one of their classic cars at the Motorfest. Anyone who has any interest in becoming part of the vintage van fraternity can contact Robyn or Peter Nixon or any member of the Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club. Also being featured at the Motorfest will be vintage and classic cars, motor bikes, hotrods, race cars, tractors and trucks, as well as a static display of several stationary engines. For further information relating to the Motorfest or to secure an entry form, contact Bill Cowper on 0404 815 599, alternative via the clubs website. Ray Hopwood