Community News

VIEW Clubs of the Clarence celebrate International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is to be held at the Yamba Bowlo Sports and Leisure Club on Friday March 8 from 9am to 2pm.

Come and celebrate with us and help make a lasting difference in the lives of our sponsored children.

This is our annual fundraiser for our sponsorship of ‘Learning for Life’ disadvantaged Australian children. Help improve the educational outcomes for these disadvantaged children; the effects of poverty go beyond a child’s home life, affecting their schooling. Education is the pathway to enable them to positively transition to employment or further study.

VIEW is incorporated with The Smith Family children’s charity.

Tickets are for sale now at the Bowlo Sports and Leisure Club Yamba (in person) or for bookings by credit card phone the Club on (02) 6646 2305; ticket cost is $30.

The event includes morning tea, lunch, guest speakers, entertainment, raffles, lucky door prizes and Tombolas.

Elizabeth Birch