Local News

Time to prepare for the bushfire season

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past year, it’s how important it is to plan and prepare for the unexpected.

Research commissioned by Clarence Valley Council and funded by Resilience NSW has found the community can better prepare for disasters such as bushfires. While 72 per cent of Clarence Valley residents felt they were adequately prepared, only 36 per cent had developed, or planned to develop, a bushfire plan.
To help prepare your home, there are some key things you need to think about.

Know your risk
Do you live in a bushfire prone area? Undertaking a bushfire risk assessment of your property may help you consider the risks. Look at the type of vegetation near your property, its flammability and its proximity to your home. This will help you determine the risk of bushfire impacting your home. It is also worth considering your access to water. In the event of the power supply being cut, will you still have access to water for fire fighting purposes?

Be aware
Think about how fire may impact your home. You can mitigate the risk by managing the landscape around your property and by ensuring flammable items are not left near your home. A well-maintained lawn will also significantly reduce the risk of fire.

Have an emergency plan that outlines what you and your family will do in the event of a fire. Ensure you consider your pets in this plan.

Get ready
Don’t leave your planning until the last minute. As the weather starts to warm up, it’s time to start thinking about bushfire risks, prepare your property and organise your family. Make sure you share your bushfire plan with friends and family.

Now is a great time to:
• Create a home emergency kit
• Share a survival and evacuation plan with your family and friends
• Clear around your home
• Clean the gutters
• Check your insurance cover
• Install longer hoses
• Invest in a fire sprinkler system to protect your home
• Download the Fires Near Me app
In the event of an emergency, the Clarence Disaster Dashboard provides essential information. You will find the latest information on fires, flood and traffic incidents, power and water outages, radio and social feeds all in one emergency dashboard. It also is linked to live updates from MyRoadsInfo, with the current road conditions.
