Community News
This Friday is “Listening to Clarence youth day”
Young people in the Clarence and the many stakeholders who back them will have a chance to influence NSW Liberals and Nationals Government decisions at two important grassroots meetings in Grafton tomorrow, Clarence Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis has announced.
“Helping young people themselves shape the policies that will affect them is something the Nationals are very committed to, which is why our Nationals Leader and Deputy Premier John Barilaro is sending his Parliamentary Secretary Bronnie Taylor to the Clarence this week,” Mr Gulaptis said.
There will be a meeting at South Grafton with school students in the morning and a meeting with a wider group of stakeholders including the much acclaimed Clarence Youth Action group at the New School of Arts Neighbourhood Centre in the afternoon.
Mr Gulaptis said he was passionate about the issue and optimistic about positive outcomes.
“We have some of the best minds on the ground here who are already doing great things such as the Our Healthy Clarence Team and initiatives from not-for-profits such as our neighbourhood centres,” Mr Gulaptis said.
“This is about saving and building the lives of young locals and I cannot think of a more noble enterprise,” he concluded.