Marissa Newman|
Recently Janelle Rowe was announced as the new principal of St Andrew’s Christian School. This comes after Mac Lindsay announced his retirement. Mr Lindsay has had a long career in education spanning over 63 years.
“I first started teaching at South Granville Primary School after graduating from Bathurst Teacher’s College. I started a part-time degree at the University of NSW and transferred across to become an industrial arts teacher at Epping Boys High. I then moved to Manly Boys High and was then promoted to head teacher at Pennant Hills High School. I was then appointed to Forest High and was promoted to deputy principal at Beacon High School. I finally finished my career as principal of South Grafton High School,” Mr Lindsay said.
After this Mr Lindsay was asked to fill in as a part-time teacher at St Andrew’s Christian School and then was asked to take over as principal. Mr Lindsay will continue teach classes part time until the end of the school year.
“I always had my heart set on teaching as I saw it as a way of helping young Australians reach their potential in life. It is also part of my Christian faith to help others to a belief in the creator God.”
Mr Lindsay said that the secret to such a long career in the education sector is that he has always enjoyed teaching young people and mixing with the students keeps you young at heart. Mr Lindsay recalls his favourite memory of his career.
“My favourite memory was coaching the school Rugby team to success at the Tamworth Christian Schools Rugby Championship,” Mr Lindsay said.
Mrs Rowe has been at the school for eleven years and has served as deputy principal for the past three years.
Mrs Rowe was inspired to become a teacher as she enjoys watching people learn.
At St Andrews Christian School they treat the students as being future adults and the learning that the students do are focused around this.
Mrs Rowe wants to maintain the community feel of the school.
“We are one campus, we have our pre-prep, our three-year old’s, right through to our eighteen-year old’s, our year twelves.”
“The very first time I went to this schools swimming carnival, I just watched year 12 hop in with kindergarten in the swim race. Just to make sure that that kindy were fine and I just love that,” Mrs Rowe said.
The students of St Andrew’s Christian School are the main focus for Mrs Rowe.
“I want the students to not only leave as future competent adults but have a great education and a purpose.
I want them to also know that they are Gods favourite person in the world … so as a Christian school we want them to know,” Mrs Rowe said.
St Andrew’s Christian School has Prep and Kindergarten 2020 orientation days coming up. These orientation days will commence on Wednesday September 25 and run every Wednesday until November 13 between 9am – 1 pm.