
Thankyou from Lower Clarence Scottish Association

Dear Editor, On behalf of the committee of the Lower Clarence Scottish Association I would like to thank all the many volunteers who assisted with the running of the 113th Maclean Highland Gathering held over the Easter Weekend. This year saw near record numbers through the gate. They witnessed 23 pipe bands from as far afield as Sydney, Moree and Queensland, record participation in the Highland Games events and a strong field of solo dancers, pipers and drummers. The continued success of the gathering is highly reliant on a group of hard working and dedicated volunteers who assist in all aspects of running the event; collecting gate fees, cooking and working in food stalls, setting up the platforms and marking the fields, cleaning the amenities, assisting the judges, recording results and so many more activities. The contribution of all our volunteers is critical in ensuring that the Scottish culture remains alive and healthy in the Clarence Valley and on behalf of the committee I would again like to extend our gratitude. Our gathering has gained notoriety in piping and dancing circles around the world as a unique and special event and at the heart of this is the generous and friendly spirit of all our hard-working volunteers and committee members. I would also like to thank our many sponsors for their ongoing support and Mayor Jim Simmons and the Clarence Valley Council for their continued support. Peter Smith Chief – Lower Clarence Scottish Association