Thank you NSW communities
It has been fantastic to see individuals, local communities and businesses united to tackle one of the worst droughts on record.
There’s one thing that unites us when there’s a crisis. Australians want to dig in and help.
We would like to thank everyone across the state who has taken time to support farmers, their families and others in our local communities in this terrible drought.
Recently in some areas of New South Wales, there has been a little rain, though it has hardly wet the surface.
It is going to be a long, hard road ahead for farmers and our rural communities, so it’s uplifting to see so many people sticking together and lending a hand through these tough times.
While droughts place emotional strains on people who rely on the land to make a living, farmers have been telling our volunteers that it means the world to them that so many Australians want to help out.
Drought-affected farmers are showing remarkable strength, coping with determination in the face of huge hardships. Financial assistance is available: farmers can go to the Country Women’s Association website and fill out a simple form: www.cwaofnsw.org.au
Judy Slatyer, CEO, Australian Red Cross
Danica Leys, CEO, Country Women’s Association NSW