The Rotary Club of Grafton Midday have finalised there fundraising for the defibrillator at the Intensive Care Unit at Grafton Base Hospital with the presentation of a cheque for $12,300.00, and now it is time to thank all those who helped.
We started the fundraising with the presentation of Opera in the Cathedral, and we must thank the Dean of Grafton Cathedral the Very Reverend Greg Jenks for the use of the Cathedral. Although the numbers were down it did help in the fundraising and I am sure everyone enjoyed the afternoon.
This was followed by our usual Bunnings BBQ, organised by Judy Glasson, with the addition of pre selling raffle tickets for the monster hamper raffle at the Proms. The Proms hamper raffle broke all records thanks to Herman and Deborah’s talents in purchasing gourmet products and presenting them in a grand manner, and the zealous ticket sellers.
Our Melbourne Cup luncheon was a great success thanks to the management and staff at Roches, Don Cardow and his team of horses, and the member’s efforts and contributions. The Christmas Carols at Alumy Creek were a great opportunity for the sale of raffle tickets in the television set donated by Harvey Norman.
As well as the fundraising by the club we were pleasantly surprised by the generous donations made to the cause by the general public through donation boxes and direct payments, and Fulton Hogan with their staff barbeques.
All in all a very worthwhile project and I thank everyone that participated, whether it be flipping sausages or purchasing a raffle ticket, it all helps.
Robert Booth