Community News

Sunday Funday for July

The Anglican Churches of Maclean Parish will celebrate its’ July Sunday Funday on 5th July at Maclean, Yamba and Iluka. As usual there will be a Reading followed by a very easy quiz, with rewards. There are lots of songs and plenty of fun. At Yamba the Service starts at 8am, with refreshments, and will be at All Saints Anglican Church, cnr. Yamba and Church Streets, Yamba. In Maclean we start at 10am, again with refreshments, at St. James Church, 15 Wharf Street, Maclean, just up the road from the Council Chambers. Iluka’s service is at 3pm at St. Paul’s Church, Charles Street, Iluka. This is a very well supported day of fun worship of our Lord Jesus so why not come along and have a very enjoyable day. Di Jones