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South Grafton CWA Evening Branch
Our Evening Branch of CWA held it International Night recently with the Country of Study being Mongolia.
Guest speaker was Dean Clark who worked in Mongolia for a short time some years ago and had a great selection of photos he presented for members and guests to enjoy. It is an amazing country, very different to ours. Temperature reaches as low as – 30 in winter which is about ten months of the year and has a very low rainfall. Dean’s wife also attended and shared with us her knowledge. We thank them both for their time with us. Leonie, our International Officer, and Dean dressed in a national costume Dean brought back with him.
Members and guests then enjoyed a lovely meal with Mongolian influence from meat dishes and great milky puddings. Money raised will go towards the International work of CWA mainly in the islands to our north.
Two members will attend the next Group Council meeting at Bellingen this week. This will be the last one before our annual meeting in October.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, September 8 at 7pm in Grafton CWA Rooms. Visitors and new members are always welcome to join us.
Barb Green