Yamba resident Joe McKee was a happy man after exchanging his bulky life jacket for a new and compact auto inflating model.
See story on page 2. Pic: Geoff Helisma
Yamba resident Joe McKee was a happy man after exchanging his bulky life jacket for a new and compact auto inflating model. See story on page 2. Pic: Geoff Helisma
On-the-ball-boat owners from Iluka, Yamba, Grafton and Minnie Water were among the lucky people who took advantage of the NSW Government’s Old 4 New lifejacket upgrade initiative.
Stalls were set up at boat ramps for three hours in the towns from Sunday to Tuesday, respectively, as part of Transport NSW’s Wear a Lifejacket: it never ruined a day in the water campaign.
People were able to trade in their old life jackets (and receive a discount on the purchase) for new auto inflating jackets, which Transport NSW says can be worn “all day without getting in the way”.
The program, which is in its third year, aims to reduce a statistic that shows “nine out of 10 people who drowned when boating were not wearing a life jacket”.
Over the past decade more than 130 people have lost their lives in recreational boating incidents.
For more information, go to: www.lifejacket.com.au.