Rodney Stevens
Wet weather didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of about 50 people who attended the annual Rotary Club of Yamba Family Fun Day at Main Beach on Saturday, January 11.
The day kicked off at 9am with a delicious BBQ welcomed by attendees and enjoyed by people on the beach.
A Rotary Club of Yamba spokesperson said despite rain showers on the day which saw a couple of activities postponed, people had a fabulous time in the 3-legged race, and the egg and spoon race, while the competition was heated in the tug of war.
Locals and visitors were wowed by the skills of Steve Machell from Sandology, who gave people pointers and advice on how to create spectacular sand models.
Winners of the Junior Sand Modelling competition were the Dream Team Junior ‘Happy Birthday’ of Remi Liebke, Skye Liebke, and Mayah Sunderland.
While in the Senior Sand Modelling, Josh Shepheard, Natalie Shepheard, Sadie Shepheard, and Eve Hoogenhout of Team Yippy were victorious.
The Rotary Club of Yamba would like to thank Yamba Surf Lifesaving Club for their ongoing support of this traditional January event.