From the Newsroom

Recognition – Council asked to acknowledge service personnel

Emma Pritchard

Clarence Valley Councillor Allison Whaites said politicians and local administrative bodies must lead by example and acknowledge our servicemen, servicewomen, and the families who have given their lives fighting for the country we now live in after calling for an amendment to the Code of Meeting Practice to include an acknowledgement to former and current Australian service personnel during the Ordinary Meeting of Clarence Valley Council (CVC) on November 21.

Last month, Cr Whaites put forward a call to change and have Council adopt amendments to the Code of Meeting Practice as follows:

  1. Those identified in the body of the report.
  2. Include an acknowledgement to service personnel as follows: I acknowledge the sacrifices made by Australian servicemen, servicewomen, and their families, in particular those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today to cause 8.1 0.1 opening meeting.

“It is not just about acknowledging the past wars, but all soldiers, including those in the air force and navy, past, present and future,” she said.

“It should not be left to show our thanks twice a year (during Anzac Day and Remembrance Day) and at 6pm in Returned and Services League of Australia clubs (RSLs).

“We live every day in an amazing country, and we should be acknowledging these people more than we already do.

“I don’t want our servicemen and servicewomen to be forgotten.”

After Cr Debrah Novak seconded the call put forward by Cr Whaites, Cr Peter Johnstone spoke of his concerns and asked Cr Whaites if she had previously consulted with local RSLs.

While Cr Whaites revealed she hadn’t met with representatives of local RSLs, she said she had spoken to Clarence Valley families and other community groups who supported her call to amend the Code of Meeting Practice.

Cr Whaites also stated other regional councils including Kempsey Shire Council (KSC) were also “looking into it” with regards to acknowledging former and current Australian service personnel, and she hoped all other councils would do so as a sign of respect.   

After the mover accepted an amendment from Cr Novak, who first allowed Cr Cristie Yager to second the initial call to permit her to do so, to enable it to be changed to read ‘previous and current Australian servicemen and servicewomen’, Cr Whaites went on to explain that she had hoped to put forward her call to amend the Code of Meeting Practice during the last term of Council, but felt it was the wrong time.

“I also feel that we (Council) should be acknowledging our servicemen and servicewomen and their families, and everything they’ve done/do for our community, and we haven’t done it yet,” she said.

“I would really hope that all three tiers of government do look at this as well.”

Cr Yager said while she loved the call put forward by Cr Whaites, she revealed she was worried the number of acknowledgments would “keep growing and growing and growing”.

“Just because we have so many incredible people who are worthy of acknowledgement,” she added.

Cr Whaites said she understood what Cr Yager was saying and stood by her earlier affirmations, describing it as a great way of showing respect and acknowledgement once, or sometimes twice a month.

“I do feel like we have to do something (more) to acknowledge them,” she said.

When questioned by Cr Karen Toms in relation to the call being viewed as a major addition to the Code of Meeting Practice which needs to be exhibited before adopted, CVC General Manager Laura Black said it wasn’t really about her opinion, but she conceded the change “does potentially impact the community, and therefore should be placed on public exhibition.”

Cr Johnstone again raised his concerns against the initial call, and said while he would probably vote for it, he felt there should be more consultation with local RSLs.

“My concern (possibly) is once we put this into our routine, it becomes routine, and perhaps will become less respectful of the purpose behind it because it will be something that we (Council) always say,” he said.

“I’d have preferred in a sense that we’d discussed this with the RSLs first to get their opinion, however, I do note that it will be going out for public exhibition, so I suppose we’ll get their feedback that way.”

Speaking with the Clarence Valley Independent earlier this week, President of the Grafton RSL Sub-Branch Leith Basset extended his appreciation to Cr Whaites and commended her for acknowledging former and current Australian service personnel.

“Her intentions are great,” he said.

“But overall, we feel that it isn’t necessary to receive an acknowledgement every time council holds a meeting.

“Servicemen and servicewomen, they don’t do what they do for the accolades, and they don’t do what they do for praise, they do it because they want to serve their country and their communities.”

Mr Basset said he also agreed with the comments made by Cr Johnstone.

“We hold commemorative services on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day each year,” he explained.

“I think the importance of acknowledging former and current Australian servicemen and servicewomen could be lost if it becomes a regular occurrence.

“It’s a very thoughtful gesture, and we’re happy to talk with Council (about it) any time.”

When put to the vote, councillors voted 7-2 in favour of the amendment to the Code of Meeting Practice.

Following the Ordinary Meeting last month, Cr Whaites said she felt very disappointed by some of the comments made by her fellow councillors.

“Cr Johnstone debated he was concerned that once we ‘possibly’ put this into our routine, it becomes routine, and perhaps will become less respectful of the purpose behind this,” she said.

“My reply was ‘why do we state the prayer and acknowledgement to country all the time?’,”

Cr Whaites firmly believes all Australian servicemen, servicewomen, and their families should be respected and never forgotten.

“We should acknowledge those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today,” she said.

For additional information, please refer to the CVC website