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Pubs and clubs lockout troublemakers
Geoff Helisma |
Individuals who misbehave at any of the Lower Clarence’s licensed venues can now be banned from all of them for 12 months.
The initiative is a product of the Lower Clarence Liquor Accord – liquor accords are voluntary industry-based partnerships working in local communities to introduce practical solutions to liquor-related problems.
Lower Clarence Liquor Accord’s secretary, Chris Durrington, said it was necessary because people who were ejected from one licensed premises for violent or anti-social behaviour could go to another.
Mr Durrington said the strategy will result in a “safer environment for families and allow people go to venues and not have to worry about anti social behaviour”.
“Three people from outside of the local area have been banned already,” he said.
He said the influx of workers has been a contributing factor, particularly on wet days when work is called off.
He said the types of incidents covered were those that required police attendance, including drug offences.
However, the ban does not extend to people who are asked to leave due to intoxication.
The liquor accord is supported by Clarence Valley Council and the NSW Police Force.
The Independent made several attempts by phone and email to contact the relevant NSW Police officer, however, no response was received prior to the newspaper’s editorial deadline.